Professional Development


Here, you will find the basic information you need about training workshops available through the Developmental Therapy Institute.

  1. Overview

  2. Course Topics

  3. DTT Leadership Certification

  4. LSCI Certification

Why participate in Developmental Therapy-Teaching (DTT) training?

  1. DTT provides a developmentally based educational approach to teaching social, emotional, and behavioral competencies from early childhood through high school for teachers, administrators, mental health professionals, and parents seeking to improve educational outcomes for special and general education students.

  2. DTT benefits students with severe social, emotional, or behavioral disabilities and those with autism, Asperger syndrome, or other sensory-integrative disabilities that affect behavior, learning, and social interactions.

  3. DTT results in evidence-based annual yearly progress for students.

  4. DTT is a sequentially structured guide for teaching troubled children and teens to be increasingly responsible individuals.

  5. DTT’s goal is to increase social, emotional, and behavioral competencies needed for learning.

  6. DTT has four content areas regarded as essential for greater competence at school and at home: Behavior, Communication, Socialization, and Cognition.

  7. DTT can be used in conjunction with other academic and social skills curricula to enhance academic achievement, social-emotional development, and responsible behavior.

  8. DTT developmental stages define sequentially ordered instructional practices and content for use with preschoolers, school-age children, and teenagers, with or without disabilities.

What Training is Available?

Staff development workshops for implementing DTT in the classroom or therapeutic settings are designed around needs assessments for individual programs. Certified DTT Instructors work with program administrators and direct service providers to identify topics, plan a training schedule, conduct workshops and provide follow-up consultation to enhance the DTT implementation skills of teachers and teaching assistants.

Typically, an initial workshop provides an overview of DTT and the foundational skills necessary to begin implementation. Certified DTT Instructors are available to provide additional workshops and classroom observations with feedback to assist program staff in successfully implementing DTT into their program.

Workshop topics follow the DTT curriculum and may include the following:

THE BASICS Assessing Social-Emotional-Behavioral Development (DTORF-R)

  • Using Assessment Results for Learning objectives and Instruction

  • Clarifying Roles of Classroom Team Members

  • Understanding the Process of Emotional Development

  • Identifying Defense Mechanisms in Students’ Behavior

  • Recognizing Students’ Developmental Anxieties


  • Applying DTT Instructional Strategies by Stages

  • Selecting Developmentally Appropriate Learning Materials

  • Adjusting Behavior Management to Students’ Stages of Development

  • Matching Behavior Management to Individual Needs, i.e., Behavior Intervention Planning

  • Maintaining an Emotionally Healthy Classroom Environment

  • Using DTORF-R Ratings to Document Student Performance (Annual Yearly Progress; Response to Intervention)

ADVANCED SKILLS Selecting Curriculum Content to Improve Student Participation

  • Monitoring Behavior to Modify Intervention Strategies

  • Debriefing and Mentoring Team Members

  • Interpreting Student Gains and Losses for Program Adjustments

  • Using Group Dynamics to Improve Student Outcomes

For fees and information, please contact us.

DTT Leadership Certification

Qualified professionals wishing to participate in the DTT Leadership Certification Program Institute complete the Train the Trainer program as well as co-training and mentorship by a Certified National DTT Instructor. Successful completion of the requirements results in certification as an Instructor for the Developmental Therapy Institute which grants the Institute’s approval to provide training and on-site consultation in the implementation of DTT.

For details and a list of nationally certified DTT Instructors, please contact us.

LSCI Certification

The Developmental Therapy Institute is proud to be an LSCI (Life Space Crisis Intervention ( National Training Site. Our dually certified national (DTT and LSCI) Trainers are available to bring LSCI to your school or organization or you may choose to attend a training offered by our institute.

For details and information about how to participate in an LSCI training through DTI, please contact us.


Frequently Asked Questions